Natural Crystal Bowls


Natural Crystal Bowls


These beautiful crystal bowls are carved from unpolished Red Jasper, Clear Quartz, and Blue Sodalite. They are perfect for keeping and displaying smaller crystals.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper supports the root chakra. It provides a gentle, stabilizing, grounding energy. With its consistent support, it increases stamina. As it supports the root, it also works its way up to the Sacral Chakra, opening channels of sexuality and creativity.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a master healer and can activate all the chakras. It invigorates and intensifies energy and can be programmed with any energy. For this reason, it is wonderful to pair with any crystal you are currently working with.

Blue Sodalite

Blue Sodalite coordinates with the throat chakra and helps us connect with our truth. Importantly, Sodalite aids us in seeing our deep inner subconscious and how things stored there affect our current path. Wear Sodalite daily.

Order this and receive one crystal bowl per your selection. Bowls are approximately 4 - 5 inches in diameter.

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