Copper and Red Jasper Necklace

Root labelled.PNG
Sacral labelled.PNG

Copper and Red Jasper Necklace


Red Jasper supports the root chakra. It provides a gentle, stabilizing, grounding energy. With its consistent support, it increases stamina. As it supports the root, it also works its way up to the Sacral Chakra, opening channels of sexuality and creativity.

Copper is a wonderful way to ground an electrical system. I’m not talking about the subtle body here, I am talking about the physical body that we reside in for our time here on this earthly plane. It is an energy system and also uses electrical impulses to conduct its business. Using copper to ground ourselves is a wonderful practice. Wearing copper can help balance the energy in your body.

Using copper in conjunction with a crystal allows for a more efficient transfer of the crystal’s energy into our bodies.

Order this and receive a Red Jasper crystal on 30-inch copper ball chain.

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