Rose Quartz Hearts
Rose Quartz Hearts
Rose Quartz
Are you familiar with rose quartz? I think it is one of the crystals most people are able to name on sight. The soft gentle pink hue is tell-tale and inviting.
Rose Quartz has a gently energy that encourages self-love and meaningful self-care. It reminds us that what we are and what we are doing IS ENOUGH. It reminds us that feeling lovable is a human birthright that we all should allow ourselves to pursue. If you don’t feel acceptable or lovable as you are, know that it is your right to get to a place where you do feel those things. That is the gentle and forgiving energy of the rose quartz.
These lovely heart shaped rose quartz are perfect for healing and self love.
Order this and receive a Rose Quartz heart per your selection. Larger hearts are approximately 2.5 inches wide. Smaller hearts are approximately 1.5 inches wide. They will be cleared in a singing bowl, and ready to work with your energy.