Clearing and Programming Clear Quartz

Why Work With Clear Quartz?

Clear Quartz has such a special role in the world of crystals and energy healing. It is a master healer, bringing elevated energy to the entire energetic body. It is used in electronics because it replicates the energy sent into it without change or degradation. What does that mean for us? It means we can send energy into a Clear Quartz and it will send that energy out perfectly until it is cleared again.

How To Clear Your Clear Quartz

There are many ways to clear crystals - my two favorite ways are sound and water.** Place your Clear Quartz in a running stream of clean water - this can be in your sink or outside in a river. Or you can place it in a singing bowl and ring it. Also, if you know there is a thunderstorm coming, place your Clear Quartz outdoors or in a window where the vibrations from the thunder can clear it.

Clear Quartz in Water

Clear Quartz can be cleared outside in a stream. It can also be programmed with the energy of a place or intention. This Clear Quartz was cleared and programmed in one of my favorite places so I can connect with that special energy anytime.

How to Program Your Clear Quartz

Now that your Clear Quartz is cleared and ready to program, ground yourself and set your intention. Stomp your feet, walk outside barefoot, sit cross legged on the floor and breathe - use whatever strategy you like to ground and stabilize your own energy. Then clearly picture in your mind the energy you would like your Clear Quartz to emanate. Breathe and visualize this energy. Then hold your Clear Quartz in your hand and visualize this energy pouring into and out of the crystal. Say to yourself, “I am programming this crystal to emanate this energy and work with me for my highest good. I am grounded, clear, and grateful for this beautiful energy in my life.”

Then What??

So now you have programmed your Clear Quartz. It will emanate the energy you programmed into it until you clear it again. Anytime you want to connect with that energy, carry, hold, or wear your crystal! Enjoy!

**(If you clear crystals in water, make sure they are not water soluble! As a general rule crystals with a hardness of 7 or more can usually be safely cleared in water)